Sample Registration


Zamów badanie

Order a test

An offer aimed at individual clients wishing to check the state of their health without leaving home.

Masdiag Laboratory, aiming to promote its services among patients, has created the Diagnostyka Precyzyjna ( brand. The online shop available on the website allows for the purchase of diagnostic tests with a kit for collecting material (blood drops, urine sample) attached for each test. The instruction included in the kit aims to guide the patient in a simple and accessible way on how to collect the material for the test, register the sample, send the package, and receive the result electronically.
Buy a test
Zostań naszym partnerem

Become our partner

This collaboration offer is directed at Polish entrepreneurs and institutions related to healthcare.

To meet the expectations of doctors, dieticians, personal trainers, dentists, and other professionals related to the promotion and protection of health, Masdiag Laboratory has created the portal that allows for ordering tests and handling orders, as well as registering patients and accessing results. After accepting the terms and conditions and creating an Institution Account, the Client gains the ability to order tests together with the accompanying collection kit. The kits are available in options for collecting samples in a specialist's office or for self-collection by the patient.
Create an account
Oferta zindywidualizowana

Individualized collaboration

A collaboration offers dedicated to foreign clients, scientific research institutions, and companies wishing to order individualized solutions in the field of LC-MS/MS technique in various test materials.

The Masdiag Laboratory has high-performance liquid chromatographs from Shimadzu and modern spectrometers from SCIEX equipped with triple quadrupole analyzers with electrospray ionization or atmospheric pressure chemical ionization sources.
In addition to analyses from venous blood, Masdiag Laboratory has extensive experience working with alternative test materials such as dried blood spots, saliva, urine, hair, nails, and tissue samples.