
Dried blood spot
The dried blood spot (DBS) is a microsampling technique that is an alternative to conventional venipucture blood collection for clinical testing. The collection process is simple and non-invasive, involving a fingertip or heel prick and blotting the capillary blood onto a filter paper. Unique features of DBS include at-home self-collection of diagnostic specimens, high stability of the parameters tested, easy and undemanding storage and/ or transport to the laboratory.

Metabolomic is the systematic identification and quantitation of all the natural products and byproducts formed in the human body, the so-called metabolites. It allows, among other things, to detect changes in metabolites in response to stress resulting from illness or exposure to toxic substances.

Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that studies the structure and function of endocrine glands, including the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, ovaries, and testicles. The key research activity of Masdiag Laboratory currently focusses on the diagnosis of thyroid and adrenal disorders.

The Toxicology Laboratory, operating within the Masdiag Laboratory, performs quantitative and qualitative LC-MS/MS analyses of drugs and new psychoactive substances, so-called "legal highs", in human evidence for forensic toxicology opinions. We also offer multiparameter toxicological DBS tests dedicated to individual clients.

Therapeutic drug monitoring
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is the clinical practice of measuring medication levels in blood to ensure that a specific drug works more effectively in a given patient based on pharmacokinetic principles and pharmacodynamic criteria. To meet the needs of patients with epilepsy, the Masdiag Laboratory has developed a method for the quantification/ determination of antiepileptic drugs in plasma or serum using the LC-MS/MS technique.

Scientific research
The results of the research and development department of Masdiag Laboratory are their own internal projects and diagnostic methods that have been developed and are now being used for routine diagnostics at Masdiag laboratory. R&D department work also results in successfully completed co-financed projects from the European Regional Development Fund, numerous scientific publications, implementation doctorates of the department's employees, and research methods that remain in the scientific sphere.

The Masdiag laboratory provides theoretical and practical training in:
- preparation of samples for analysis
- validation of analytical methods
- training sessions for LC-MS systems
- analysis of the obtained data

The Research and Development Department works closely with a Laboratory of Organic Synthesis, which operates within the company Masdiag Laboratory. This lab is led by a chemist with over 30 years of experience and specializes, among other things, in the synthesis of compounds used for the derivatization of analysed substances.