Sample Registration


dr Konrad Kowalski
Chief Scientific Officer
The Masdiag Research and Development Department combines specialized knowledge in analytical chemistry with a passion for tackling challenges that arise in the development of new methods

Current research projects:

Masdiag Sp. z o.o. is starting the project "A Drop for Memory" – an innovative diagnostic test to assess the risk of dementia, co-funded under Priority I of the European Funds for a Smart Economy Program 2021–2027.
The project's goal is to develop highly efficient methods for 3 different assays unsaturated long-chain organic acids (omega fatty acids), vitamin D metabolites, and homocysteine in a dried blood spot collected on a material that enables the separation of blood into two fractions: red blood cells and plasma.
Contract No. FENG.01.01-IP.02-3883/23
Funding: PLN 3,028,154.30

The results of Masdiag R&D department's work include:

  • successfully completed projects co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF):
    Development of a high-throughput method for the determination of vitamin D metabolites
    Project POIR.01.01.01-00-0816/17 implemented under Measure 1.1.1. Smart Growth Operational Programme. Co-financing PLN 2,063,076.50
    Development of methods for monitoring therapies carried out with cannabis preparations
    Project POIR.01.01.01-00-1097/17 implemented under Measure 1.1.1. Smart Growth Operational Programme. Co-financing PLN 1,550,043.47
    Determination of ethanol in different matrices by bench-top NMR system
    Project POIR.01.01.01-00-0059/18 implemented under Measure 1.1.1. Smart Growth Operational Programme. Co-financing PLN 1,181,700
    Determination of metals and other biogenic elements in biological material with diagnostic potential using a fluorescence X-ray spectrometer
    Project POIR.01.01.01-00-0120/18 implemented under Measure 1.1.1. Smart Growth Operational Programme. Co-financing: PLN 1,423,494
  • internal research and development projects and the resulting diagnostic methods used in the Masdiag Laboratory for routine diagnostics
  • numerous scientific publications
  • implementation doctorates by department staff
  • research methods remaining in the scientific sphere