Sample Registration


Michał Książkiewicz
Forensic expert in toxicology and physical chemistry
Senior research and development specialist
The Toxicology Laboratory, functioning within the Masdiag Laboratory, performs qualitative determinations of several hundred drugs currently in use, including new psychoactive substances, so-called "legal highs", as well as quantitative DRUID and GHB testing for forensic toxicology expertise.
In addition to its activities related to performing analyses for forensic expert opinions, the Masdiag Laboratory offers analyses dedicated to individual clients. These include:
  • determination of psychoactive substances in DBS to detect and semi-quantify the intake of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and drugs with psychoactive effects
  • Quantitative determination of THC and CBD in DBS in relation with long-term and systematic use of hemp preparations or with exposure to THC

List of toxicological methods:

Abbreviation Method
DRUID_BEFU Quantitative determination of psychoactive substances in whole blood/aqueous humor/urine by LC-MS/MS technique
GHB_BEFU Quantitative determination of γ-hydroxybutyric acid in whole blood/aqueous humor/urine by LC-MS/MS technique
SCREEN_BEFU Qualitative testing for the presence of psychoactive substances, drugs, and their metabolites in whole blood/aqueous humor/urine by LC-MS/MS technique
THC_DBS Quantitative determination of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in DBS by LC-MS/MS technique
CBD_DBS Quantitative determination of CBD, THC, and their metabolites in DBS by LC-MS/MS technique
PAS_DBS Semi-quantitative determination of psychoactive substances in DBS by LC-MS/MS technique

Jarosław Bukowski
CEO of Masdiag DNA
Logo MasdiagDNA
The interest in the broad field of criminology has resulted in the creation of a subsidiary company, Masdiag DNA - Forensic Expertise Center ( The company has its own physicochemical and toxicological laboratory, and offers services related to biological analysis (DNA analysis, paternity testing), dactyloscopy, traceology, mechanoscopy, analysis of weapons and ammunition, retrospective accounting, examination of documents and handwriting, forensic medicine, anthropology, phonoscopy, and many others.